Software Package for Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis

Content softwares

Distributed files

Automatic installer shell script

These script does not install multiple sequence alignment editor. I recommend you to install Jalview or any other multiple sequence alignment editor.

Windows installer

You also need to install Java Runtime Environment. MolPhyPack32 requires 32bits version of JRE and MolPhyPack64 requires both of 32bits and 64bits versions of JRE. Amazon Corretto 8 is recommended as JRE. AdoptOpenJDK 8 may also be compatible. These installer does not install multiple sequence alignment editor. I recommend you to install Jalview or any other multiple sequence alignment editor.

If you have any errors, questions and/or comments, please let me know. Do not request a response to the authors of including softwares.



Eighth release. Kakusan4 and Aminosan were updated.


Seventh release. Kakusan4 and Aminosan were updated.


Sixth release. Aminosan was updated.


Fifth release. RAxML, FigTree, MrBayes5D, MAFFT, Phylogears2, Primer3, Kakusan4 and Aminosan were updated. Aliscore and PAML were added.


Fourth release. Kakusan4 and Aminosan were updated.


Fourth release. Kakusan4 and Aminosan were updated.


Third release. Software contents were updated.


Second release. Software contents were updated.


First release.

Creative Commons License Life is fifthdimension. by Akifumi S. Tanabe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.1 Japan License.